TOMAS SPEVAK – paintings

 tomas spevak artist oil and acrylic painting Dressing Up, 61 x 79´´ (155 x 200 cm), exhibition between spaces Dressing Up

oil and acrylic on canvas

61 x 79´´ (155 x 200 cm)


location: Los Angeles

tomas spevak oil painting Swimming Pool, 31,5 x 40´´ (80 x 100 cm) Pool

oil and acrylic on canvas

31,5 x 40´´ (80 x 100 cm)


location: private collection, USA

tomas spevak oil painting Backyard, 39x5 x 51´´ (100 x 130 cm) Backyard

oil and acrylic on canvas

39,5 x 51´´ (100 x 130 cm)


location: Los Angeles

 tomas spevak - Landscape, 60x80 cm Landscape

oil and acrylic on canvas

23,6 x 31,5´´ (60 x 80 cm)


location: Los Angeles

 tomas spevak painting CastleInTheForest, 60x80 cm Castle In The Forest

oil and acrylic on canvas

23,6 x 31,5´´ (60 x 80 cm)


location: Los Angeles

tomas spevak - Painting Transformation, 155x200 cm, knupp gallery prague los angeles Painting Transformation

oil and acrylic on canvas

61 x 79´´ (155 x 200 cm)


location: Los Angeles

tomas spevak oil painting Parking Place, 23,5 x 31,5´´ (60 x 80 cm) Parking Place

oil and acrylic on canvas

23,5 x 31,5´´ (60 x 80 cm)


location: Los Angeles

tomas spevak artist oil painting Castle, 12 x 16´´ (30 x 40 cm), knupp gallery la, exhibition between spaces Castle

oil and acrylic on canvas

12 x 16´´ (30 x 40 cm)


location: Los Angeles

tomas-spevak-oil-painting-collectors-interior-12x16-presented-by-knupp-gallery-los-angeles-contemporary-fine-arts Collector´s table

oil and acrylic on canvas

12 x 16´´ (30 x 40 cm)

location: Los Angeles

 tomas-spevak-oil-and-acrylic-on-canvas-strange-game-150x200-cm Strange Game

oil and acrylic on canvas

59 x 79´´ (150 x 200 cm)

location: Los Angeles

tomas spevak oil painting projection, oil on canvas, 150x200 cm, presented by knupp gallery los angeles, contemporary fine arts Projection

oil and acrylic on canvas

59 x 79´´ (150 x 200 cm)

location: Los Angeles

tomas-spevak-obraz-painting-untitled-dustbins-olej-a-akryl-na-platne-acrylic-and-oil-on-canvas Untitled – Dust Bins

oil and acrylic on canvas

23,6 x 31,5´´ (60 x 80 cm)

location: Los Angeles

tomas spevak - deposit, 80x100 cm, oil painting on canvas, knupp gallery los angeles, contemporary fine art gallery Deposit

oil and acrylic on canvas

31,5 x 39´´(80 x 100 cm)

location: private collection, USA

tomas spevak oil paintng chemists, oil and acrylic on canvas, 200x150 cm, private collection usa Chemists

oil and acrylic on canvas

79 x 59´´ (200 x 150 cm)

location: private collection USA

tomas-spevak-oil-painting-on-canvas-abstract-war-knupp-gallery-los-angeles-contemporary-fine-art-gallery Abstract War

oil and acrylic on canvas

59 x 79´´ (150 x 200 cm)

location: Prague

tomas-spevak-oil-painting-she-oil-and-acrylic-on-canvas-140x110-cm-knupp-gallery-los-angeles-gallery-of-european-contemporary-fine-arts She

oil and acrylic on canvas

55 x 43´´ (140 x 110 cm)

location: Prague

travellers Travellers

oil and acrylic on canvas

59 x 79´´ (150 x 200 cm)

location: Prague


oil and acrylic on canvas

79 x 59´´ (200 x 150 cm)

location: Los Angeles

tomas-spevak-memories-oil-and-acrylic-on-canvas120x100-cm Memories

oil and acrylic on canvas

47 x 39´´(120 x 100 cm)

location: Los Angeles

tomas-spevak-secret-machine-2-200x150-cm-olej-platno Secret Machine

oil and acrylic on canvas

79 x 59´´ (200 x 150 cm)

location: Los Angeles

tomas-spevak-oil-painting-car-crash-oil-and-acrylic-on-canvas-presented-by-knupp-gallery-los-angeles Car Crash

oil and acrylic on canvas

59 x 79´´ (150 x 200 cm)

location: private collection, EU

tomas-spevak-painting-oil-on-canvas-on-the-stage-65x80-cm-for-sale-in-knupp-gallery-prague On The Stage

oil and acrylic on canvas

31,5 x 25,5´´ (80 x 65 cm)

location: private collection, EU


Hidden Victim

oil and acrylic on canvas

51 x 39´´ (130 x 100 cm)

location: Los Angeles

tomas-spevak-escape-120x100-cm-acrylic-on-canvas Escape

oil and acrylic on canvas

47 x 39´´ (120 x 100 cm)

location: Los Angeles