jan uldrych oil painting Desert, acrylic and oil on canvas, 79x59'' presented by knupp gallery los angeles SELECTED IMAGES

When Jan finished his studies at Academy of Fine Arts in Prague in 2009, it was obvious that he was one of the best current students of Studio of classic panting (professor Z.Beran). Some can say that Jan is a hyper-realist, but the truth is that he only prefers the perfection of detail.

He paints figures, exciting scenes in real / unreal landscapes where you can feel the wind blowing on you while watching the painting. Animals using human level of intelligence, animals becoming human beings themselves.



In most of new paintings Jan is not using any real matter to mirror on the canvas. He creates unspecified objects which every eye marks different. Light displayed on the painting is only a complement needed to discover sources of beings hidden deep in the core of general substance.

His paintings are represented in many European art collections, including Czech National Gallery.

2003 – 2009 Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, studio of prof. Zdeněk Beran 2017 May 6 – July 8 Between Spaces (1923 S Santa Fe Ave, 90021, LA)
1999 – 2003 Art College of Václav Hollar, Prague 2017  Jan 11 – 15 LA Art Show 2017 (Convention Center, LA)
2016 Oct 15 Grand Opening of knupp gallery LA (1923 Santa Fe Ave, 90021, LA)
2016 Jan 27 – 31 LA Art Show 2016, Convention Center, Los Angeles
2015 Sept 22 – Oct 19 Czech-IN LA (Bergamot Station, 2525 Michigan Ave, Santa Monica) in collaboration with Building Bridges Art Exchange gallery